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4.6 ( 2656 ratings )
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Sviluppatore UBII

You can seek a service or provide a service using the same app!

Find pros in ANY industry...On-Demand. Check out our 9 categories: Indoor, Outdoor, Transportation, Entertainment, Personal Care, Professional, Electronics, Pets and General. You can find thousands of services available in each category that will show you the location, ratings, rates, credentials and sample pictures or videos of work performed by the Service Providers. Choose either immediate or scheduled jobs and watch them arrive on your map…


Instead of answering endless questions from an intermediary to reach a pro, Ubii lets Service Seekers easily surf the Service Provider profiles within the network before selecting one that is near your service address and ready to work at the time you need it.

Our star rating is real:  We have a two-way rating system. You can rate each service provider that you connect with. You are also rated. The only people that can rate you are the ones who have actually connected with or worked for you… no fake rating system or reviews that rely on friends and family.

You choose:  Service Seekers choose the Service Provider they want to do business with by looking through active profiles. You can filter your search based on pricing, star rating, language preferences, etc. to find exactly what you are looking for. 

Free: Service Seekers can access rated and background-checked providers, quickly and for free.

Very Easy: Ease of use with a friendly look and feel. In 4 or 5 steps in your app, you can see choices of pros ready to work for you. When you need a service, we only ask for minimal, relevant info… we never need to know if you own your house or how you found us…. Let’s get right to answering your needs!

One stop shop: Find any service you need. You no longer need several apps on your phone for each service you want.

Technology:  We use technology to connect you faster and easier, cutting down on the steps to get what you want. You get direct on-demand contact with a Service Provider. Using technology, we are helping to keep costs down, benefiting all members of the Ubii network.

Changing Roles:  If you are logged in as Service Seeker and also provide a service, you can change role from a Service Seeker to a Service Provider within the app in seconds (and vice-versa). No need to download a separate app!


Set your own prices and you choose your accepted forms of payment.

Conduct your business as usual – your business, your rules.

Simple stuff: easy sign up process and only one button to accept a job request.

Time management: Work where and when you want. You can turn the app on or off or even get scheduled appointments.

Further down the sales funnel: The people that request you have already decided they want you for the job, based on information on your profile. You get their contact information and can speak directly. No intermediaries are involved.

No hidden costs: with our flat $5 connection fee paid by the Ubiipreneurs, our pricing policy can be explained by a child. No more paying monthly fees. No more bidding on jobs you will never get. No more sharing a % of YOUR fees with anyone.

Build your profile: It is free to list yourself and the services you provide. Leave it to us to help you advertise for free.

Changing roles: If you are logged in as a Service Provider but you are looking for someone to perform a service for you, you can instantly change roles within the same app and start searching.

I mean… you can keep trying it the old way, but do you really want to?


Our goal of establishing a robust product experience is complemented by our business model that is unique in the space. Be part of the Ubii mission to connect the world, on-demand, with any service you need with ease at a cost that no one can touch…Use it to find your pros or get listed as the pro – Download it today!